Donating to JELA

Donations we receive from our supporters are an essential part of how we continue to live our mission of serving people in need with Christ’s love.

Please donate to the JELA Foundation today, so that we can enrich our programs to reach more people and serve them better.

Types of Donation

You can choose between the following 2 ways of making a donation to JELA:

  • JELA Supporters Program (yearly/monthly donations)
  • One-time donation

JELA Supporters Program (yearly/monthly donations)

If you have a credit card, you can join the JELA Supporters Program to start making a periodic donation of a certain amount.

Here are your donating options:

  • A yearly donation of 50,000 JPY, 10,000 JPY, 5,000 JPY, 3,000 JPY, 2,000 JPY, or 1,000 JPY
  • A monthly donation of 10,000 JPY, 5,000 JPY, 3,000 JPY, 2,000 JPY, or 1,000 JPY

Donations you make as a JELA Supporter will support all of JELA’s non-profit activities.
(You cannot specify a program to which your regular donations will go.)

One-Time Donation

We also welcome one-time donations at any time.
With a one-time donation, you can support a JELA program of your choice.

Methods of Donation

Credit card

You can easily and securely donate online with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, or Diners Club). No additional fee will be charged. You can join the JELA Supporters Program on the same page as well.

Bank transfer

Use the following information to make a donation by bank transfer:

BranchIidabashi Branch
Branch Address1-18, Agebacho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0824, Japan
BeneficiaryJELA Foundation
Account Number888-2896506
Beneficiary Address1-20-26, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0013, Japan
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